Ignition status issue (H02 protocol)

Fleetracker7 years ago

I'm using traccar backend version 3.8 with SU GUI version 3.7.
I remarked that ignition status of my device using H02 protocol (port 5013) is inversed.

You find below an example for decoded message from "tracker-server.log" file.

*HQ,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,V1,153147,A,3257.88456,N,00652.88213,W,0.01,0,011216,FFFFFFFF,25c,a, 14e,6207# (car stoped)
*HQ,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,V1,084436,A,3257.01525,N,00655.03865,W,57.78,40,011216,FFFBFFFF,25c,a, 154,b04c# (car moving)

In fact, according to "LKGPS protocol" file, vehicule status is coded on 4 bytes.
For second case (car moving), vehicule status = "FFFBFFFF" , (FB = 11111011) then the bit rank 2 of third Byte (ACC) is set to 0 (negtive logic). The value reported by device is correct.
Traccar indicate wrong ignition status "false" instead of "true".

Also, can i have signification of other attributes, for example: "25c,a, 14e,6207".
It's not detailled by protocol doc.

Best regards

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

It was changed because of this thread:


Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Just reverted the change after checking protocol documentation.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

I have added decoding of the additional cell info as well.

Fleetracker7 years ago

Dear @Tananaev

Thank you first for your answers.
How can i revert this changes? and how to act in case when we have two devices using H02 protocol but with different interpretations of status bits (maybe one with positive logic and other with negative logic: it's the case i think for my TK103 device and MT-1 device subjetc of indicated thread)?

Best regards

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

You can either wait for new release of build a server yourself.

I don't think interpretation is different. I suspect there was something wrong with the device, but we'll see.

Fleetracker7 years ago

Which files to modify to revert this change?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

You don't need to modify anything. You have to take latest source code and compile it.

Quade dennis5 years ago

Hi Anton

Sorry to drag up and old thread, but wanted you to see history
It appears LKGPS and Sinotrack etc devices use H02 protocol

However it appears LKGPS ignition status is inverted, whereas the other seem to all use the standard Ignition status
As I use both, sinotrack and lkgps, but there is only 1 h02 protocol, what would be the best way to handle this
Long term is it work splitting the h02 protocol to support this annoying issue?

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

It can be made configurable. Creating a duplicated protocol just because of one flag is definitely not a good idea.

Quade dennis5 years ago

How would you suggest doing it? at device level?
It would get annoying having to adjust 300 devices to use the inverted ignition status, and since both use h02, you cannot distinguish between the 2 on data import.

I do understand creating a new protocol for such a minor thing being a headache, open to ideas

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Configuration can be done per device or group.