Live routes / Follow not working

kthuno7 years ago


I have a 3.9 installation on Windows that is behaving a bit strangely.

It's running with a postgres backend and data is inserted fine, but status window (parameter/value) shows nothing for the device even though field for last update is green. Live routes is not drawing on the map and follow does nothing.

Using the reporting functions show data just fine.



kthuno7 years ago

I might have found the problem...

Traccar is running behind an IIS using reverse-proxy to forward requests, and that might be the problem as I'm getting a lot of these in the Chrome:

WebSocket connection to 'ws://{host_masked}/api/socket' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 405

I might need to reevaluate my setup as the version of IIS used is not supporting websockets :-)


Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Are you sure your IIS doesn't support it, or you just haven't configured WebSocket proxy?

kthuno7 years ago

Hi Anton,

Thanks for answering :-)

Yes, I am pretty sure: - using version 7.5.

I will migrate to a Linux-based enviroment instead using Apache as proxy.
