Openwrt/Lede Traccar server...

allin7 years ago

Good morning!!
First of all thanks for this software!!
My first question: can I install the server on openwrt / Lede?
Second question:
I would like to create in mobile wireless nodes with OpenWRT / Lede (AD-HOC mode), where each node will have a GPS, it is possible to send the coordinates to the server via openwrt?
Thanks so much
All ..

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

If your device supports Java and has enough memory, you should be able to run Traccar server on it.

allin7 years ago

Ok! Thanks so much!
but I can do you send the coordinates to always server via openwrt? what are the necessary strings?
I can read the data with ugpsgpsd, and save them with potri gpxlogger, but then how can I send them? and especially what strings? Maybe you have a better method?
Thank you very much
All ..

Anton Tananaev7 years ago