Native traccar viewer for android

julienb7 years ago


I made a simple viewer app for my personnal traccar use with google maps as background, a few settings for server, user, et update delay.
It simply display the first available device from traccar server and the account.

I'm planning on adding a possibility to switch to openstreetmaps and display multiple devices (or switch between them, don't know yet).

I didn't find such simple app to locate a device (the manager is great but a bit long to load for me and the usage is not the same).

I was wondering if some people could be interested in testing it (i didn't do extensive test but i know some work is to be done) ; and i also don't know if i'm allowed to post some external link to it?


Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Traccar Manager used to be fully native. Check following branch:

julienb7 years ago

What was the reason to switch to a webview?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Not enough time to support 3 apps with the same functionality.

julienb7 years ago

As long as traccar lives, i'm happy with it! :)

JeepzZJ987 years ago


I would like to try your simple viewer app !!!

Anduriño7 years ago

@julienb, if you are the creator of TrackCar viewer app my congratulations !!!

Will there be an iPhone version?

It works 100% with my 5 devices. It is very light and fast. And very very very easy to use for the children and elderly of my family.

julienb7 years ago

yes, that's me!

For the iphone version, i do not have any Mac computer to be able to compile a valid package for the store and the Apple store cost per year (100€) is, for now, not in my plans. (with android devices covering over 85% of smartphone users, 100€/year + hardware to make apps is not in my budget :-/)

Tomdbi7 years ago

Hi Julien,

I get an error when trying to display my device (which is shown correctly in the traccar web interface):

InitDevices: End of input at character 0 of

and below it:

No devices to show

what have I done wrong?

julienb7 years ago

hi tom!

on the play store app page, at bottom you should have my email (don't know if i can add it here).
You could send me your parameters (server ip/port) or how you usually access your app on the web.

i just realize some people might have more in the ur than http(s)://server:port/api/devices
you could be need http(s)://server:port/<folder>/api/devices

if that's the case, i'm going to edit the settings page to support such case.

If it's not the case please contact me be email, there might be some issue i didn't see on my side!

Tomdbi7 years ago

Hi Julien,

thank you for your quick reply and pointing me to the right direction. The error I mentioned above seems to be caused by my try to connect via ssl. I searched the forum and realized, that one needs an apache proxy to do communicate securely with the traccar server. So I need to look into that.

For now I tried your app while in my local network using normal http instead of https. Traccar Server is running on my Synology box, working fine in my browser using

When I now put these address in your app the following error occurs:

InitDevices: No value for category

and when accessing
only a {} is shown.

Have I forgotten something in my traccar configuration?
Thank you for your help

julienb7 years ago

I need to add some info on the settings page.

Are you asked for your login/password when opening thé API url?

Anduriño7 years ago

Feature request: Would be useful if we had an device estatus color

Yellow/Orange: UNKNOWN

Tomdbi7 years ago

Hi Julien,

I checked again: {} appears at when I didn't login at the normal traccar manager in my browser first.
When I'm logged in at first and then browsing to, it shows this:
[{"id":1,"attributes":{},"name":"My Smartphone","uniqueId":"SmartphoneID","status":"offline","lastUpdate":"2017-04-02T19:51:18.000+0000","positionId":180,"groupId":3,"geofenceIds":[]}]

Your app still gives me
InitDevices: No value for category

I tried to log in with the browser of my smartphone but that obviously didn't help since it's another program I guess.

TSM7 years ago

Is there github repo for this?

Is it fully native or using Xamarin/Phonegap etc.