Modify Notification text

Ólavur7 years ago


Is it possible to modify the notification text received by email?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Yes, you can modify templates for emails. Check "templates" folder in Traccar.

federico7 years ago

Hi Anton,
Congrats for this great work!

I have a question: Is there any variable for geofence name and for speed to use in sms/mail templates?

I need to edit the SMS template for entering and leaving geofences and I do not know how to include those data.

If a modify this:
$ has entered geofence $dateTool.format("YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", $event.serverTime, $locale, $timezone)

Into this:
$ has entered geofence $ at $device.speed - $dateTool.format("YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", $event.serverTime, $locale, $timezone)

it is ok?

Is there a variable list anywhere? (for using in templates)

Thanks in advance.

Best regards.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Yes, I think it's OK. You can find available variables here:

federico7 years ago


federico7 years ago

Is there any way to change locale per user?

Or a way to hardcode locale in this line ro es?
$ has entered geofence $dateTool.format(“YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”, $event.serverTime, $locale, $timezone)

$ has entered geofence $dateTool.format(“YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”, $event.serverTime, "es", $timezone)


Anton Tananaev7 years ago

You can either hardcore it in the server code, or you can always specify full date and time format.

federico7 years ago

Thanks for your answer but what I need is the date to be translated

$ ha ingresado en $ el $dateTool.format("EEEE dd 'de' MMMM 'de' YYYY 'a las' HH:mma", $event.serverTime, $locale, $timezone) hs.<br>

I receive
Telefono Pablo ha ingresado en Altuwatt el Tuesday 25 de April de 2017 a las 17:37PM hs.

And I need the date in spanish, so Martes instead of Tuesday and Abril instead of April
I thought that changing locale this could be achieved. Am I wrong?

Thanks again.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

I don't know if you can create an instance of locale object from the template. You would have to do some research on it yourself.

Edgar6 years ago

The answer might be a bit late now for Federico, but somebody else might have a similar problem.

I simply used the $locale instance you already have in the template together with the static method 'forLanguageTag()':

$locale.forLanguageTag("de") for German.

Your example in Spanish would then be something like

$ ha ingresado en $ el $dateTool.format("EEEE dd 'de' MMMM 'de' YYYY 'a las' HH:mma", $event.serverTime, $locale.forLanguageTag("es"), $timezone) hs.

As this is my first post in this forum, I want to thank you for offering such an excellent piece of software to the public and for offering such an icredible support for free. Thank you very much.

Juankaher5 years ago

Hi Anton ( or Edgar),
Is tere a way to include a link with position into SMS message?

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Yes, you can modify template.

NS4 years ago

Sorry for asking naive question. If I modify the template files for notifications texts, do I need to rebuild the jar file OR just the replacement of the templates folder on server would work?

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Just replace files.

hi Anton! Sorry for bothering, could you guide me on what page can I see how the templates are modified? I need to add to the reports the distance traveled and I go to this page and it is out of order. From already thank you very much.