calculate trip from data

opengrace7 years ago


how to know start trip and end trip,
from database or log.


Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Traccar uses speed value and time to calculate trips, but that's just one of many possible options.

opengrace7 years ago
   "index": 1088,
   "protocol": "gt06",
   "speed": "8.099355000000001",
   "mcc": 510,
   "altitude": "0.0",
   "ignition": true,
   "server_time": "08-05-2017 08:21:21",
   "cid": 16246,
   "device_time": "08-05-2017 08:21:17",
   "lac": 1522,
   "ip": "",
   "id": "351608083105788",
   "course": "190.0",
   "distance": 388.43,
   "sat": 9,
   "name": "alex",
   "totalDistance": 21302652.23,
   "longitude": "106.81798222222223",
   "mnc": 10,
   "latitude": "-6.154154999999999",
   "group": "",
   "fix_time": "08-05-2017 08:21:17"

is this valid to count ?
because traccar not use this for trip report.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

I don't understand what it is or the question is.

opengrace7 years ago

sorry, please ignore above data

can you help investigate this data

   "server_time":"08-05-2017 08:21:21",
   "device_time":"08-05-2017 08:21:10",
   "fix_time":"08-05-2017 08:21:10"
   "server_time":"08-05-2017 08:21:21",
   "device_time":"08-05-2017 08:21:17",
   "fix_time":"08-05-2017 08:21:17"

About distance, how can between 7 second different gap 388.43meters with low speed ?

opengrace7 years ago

distance is gap between point to last point in meters ..
is it correct ?

opengrace7 years ago

“totalDistance”:”21302652.23″ - “totalDistance”:”21302599.9″ = 52.33 meters

“distance”:”388.43″ & “distance”:”336.1″ .. ???

how to calculate total mileage ?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Distance is a distance from "last" location. Total distance is a sum of all distances.

There can be problems with calculation when device sends multiple reports at the same time, which seems to be the case.