Custom Reporting

Ólavur7 years ago


It would be nice to be able to get custom reports. If I use custom attributes like Weight or Licence Plate Number (device attributes) I cannot export it in the reports.

Are there any plans to make custom reporting possible?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

You can. You can customize reports.

Ólavur7 years ago

How do I get device attributes into the reports?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

You need to modify Excel template and include attributes there.

Ólavur7 years ago

Ok, I can see that the Summary report has a cell with ${summary.deviceName}

To include device attribute would I have to write ${device.attributes}?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

I think something like ${device.attributes.getInt("adc1")} should work.

Ólavur7 years ago

I tried this without luck
As I can see in the source code it is only the summeries item that is included in the Excel sheet:

public static Collection<SummaryReport> getObjects(long userId, Collection<Long> deviceIds,
            Collection<Long> groupIds, Date from, Date to) throws SQLException {
        ArrayList<SummaryReport> result = new ArrayList<>();
        for (long deviceId: ReportUtils.getDeviceList(deviceIds, groupIds)) {
            Context.getPermissionsManager().checkDevice(userId, deviceId);
            result.add(calculateSummaryResult(deviceId, from, to));
        return result;

    public static void getExcel(OutputStream outputStream,
            long userId, Collection<Long> deviceIds, Collection<Long> groupIds,
            Date from, Date to) throws SQLException, IOException {
        Collection<SummaryReport> summaries = getObjects(userId, deviceIds, groupIds, from, to);
        String templatePath = Context.getConfig().getString("report.templatesPath",
        try (InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(templatePath + "/summary.xlsx")) {
            org.jxls.common.Context jxlsContext = ReportUtils.initializeContext(userId);
            jxlsContext.putVar("summaries", summaries);
            jxlsContext.putVar("from", from);
            jxlsContext.putVar("to", to);
                    .processTemplate(inputStream, outputStream, jxlsContext);

Is it then possible to use the device model?

According to the model there are only these variables:

Property	Type	Description
averageSpeed	number	in knots
deviceId	integer	
deviceName	string	
distance	number	in meters
engineHours	integer	
Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Looks like you are right and it's not possible to get any additional information in this particular report.

Ólavur7 years ago

Ok, thanks.

Are there any plans to include custom reporting?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

The fact that you can't implement what you want doesn't mean custom reports are not available. If you have a specific request, you should post it on GitHub.

Ólavur7 years ago

Ok, thanks :)