FTL (Fuel Truck Link) and TDL (Truck Data Link) - FTP connection

nejck7 years ago


one of our clients is about to acquire fuel tanks that use Bartec pumps. They also support GPS location and lots of other data.

The devices use FTL and TDL protocol.

Until now, I found out they use FTP to upload FTL formatted file to the server... We are probably going to buy FTL/TDL protocol documentation (about 250€).

But firstly, I'd like to discuss, if anyone has already tried to implement a FTP server based protocol in Traccar ?

If I implement it, how should I incorporate it into existing protocol structure (I will most probably use Apache FTP Server library to handle FTP, and to attach to FTP STOR command, so I start parsing the document as it finishes uploading).

Any ideas regarding that?

Best regards,

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

I would recommend implementing it directly in Traccar. FTP is a really simple protocol and you don't need Apache to handle it.

If you need help with implementation, send us an email. Address is on Support page.