Create a new user

M7 years ago


After the login as admin, I want to create manually and I have the message below :

Unrecognized field "distanceUnit" (class org.traccar.model.User), not marked as ignorable (21 known properties: "readonly", "limitCommands", "deviceLimit", "name", "latitude", "phone", "admin", "userLimit", "zoom", "twelveHourFormat", "attributes", "deviceReadonly", "token", "id", "email", "longitude", "password", "map", "coordinateFormat", "disabled", "expirationTime"])
 at [Source: org.glassfish.jersey.message.internal.ReaderInterceptorExecutor$UnCloseableInputStream@676bfbf0; line: 1, column: 122] (through reference chain: org.traccar.model.User["distanceUnit"]) 

Any solution to fix it ?
I didn't try change anything in the source code

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

You have some mismatch in the database or the web app and back-end. I would recommend to use official releases only. Only use source code if you know what you are doing.