How to monitor Traccar Server?

Cobus B7 years ago

Hi guys,

Been browsing for a while, have yet to find a way to monitor if my application is running.

I've got a CentOS VPS and do get random Traccar Server shutdowns. I traced this down to automatic updates handled by Plesk. Should the server reboot then Traccar will start again and monitoring of tracked assets will continue. However if Plesk should stop Java and not reboot, then the Traccar Server have to be started through SSH (

Would running a HTTP Header request against the URL:8082 assure that the Traccar Server is online with a 200 Header response? If not then maybe trigger a script to restart the server?

Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

I use HTTP requests to monitor servers. Specifically I'm using this service:

Cobus B7 years ago

Hi Anton,

Thank you for the quick reply, I will setup a monitor to check for HTTP Header returns and automate the required actions.

Great software and great support from you, truly appreciate this!