How to restore administrator privilege?

luigi6 years ago


Thanks for helping me guys! I did silly mistake and I deleted my admin privileges .. is there any way can I restore it? I been trying to look for solutions but I dont know how to access database to do that..


Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Directly through the database, but you need SQL knowledge to do that.

luigi6 years ago

hello anton.. can you advice me how to run query ?

i seen can restore by typing this:

UPDATE traccar.users SET readonly=b'0', admin=b'1', devicereadonly=b'0' WHERE id=1;

but i’m quiet lost don’t know where is db and how to use it .


Anton Tananaev6 years ago

It's H2 database. The database file is in the "data" folder inside Traccar. You can use any JDBC tool to connect to it.