Fuel sensor of tk103

evigra6 years ago

I have the fuel sensor of tk103.

How can I read the attribute?

I have version 3.7

I'm looking in

I found

But they are I dont know how to add it in the configuration file
Besides not knowing what the list of attributes is.

For example "power,ignition,battery".

My file config

<entry key="processing.copyAttributes.enable">true</entry>
<entry key="processing.copyAttributes">power,ignition,battery,fuel</entry>
Anton Tananaev6 years ago

If your device sends fuel you don't need to configure anything. You should be able to see it in the status.

evigra6 years ago

Thanks for your answer

If I send an SMS, the GPS answers me

Power: ON
Bat: 100%
Door: OFF
GSM: 8
Oil: 93.61%   ========> (FUEL) <========  
APN: internet.itelcel.com,webgprs,webgprs2002;
Arm: OFF

In MySQL I have this


In my configuration file I have this

    <entry key="processing.copyAttributes.enable">true</entry>
    <entry key="processing.copyAttributes">power,ignition,battery,fuel</entry>    

    <entry key='database.insertPosition'>
        INSERT INTO positions (deviceId, protocol, serverTime, deviceTime, fixTime, valid, latitude, longitude, altitude, speed, course, address, attributes)
        VALUES (:deviceId, :protocol, :now, :deviceTime, :fixTime, :valid, :latitude, :longitude, :altitude, :speed, :course, :address, :attributes);

In my log I have this

2017-12-23 04:55:38 DEBUG: [6DA07454: 5001 <] HEX: 696d65693a3836343138303033343337383730382c747261636b65722c3137313232333132353533372c2c462c3034353533332e3030302c412c313931362e353834332c4e2c31303334332e383138332c572c302e30302c303b
2017-12-23 04:55:38  INFO: [6DA07454] id: 864180034378708, time: 2017-12-23 04:55:33, lat: 19.27641, lon: -103.73031, speed: 0.0, course: 0.0
2017-12-23 04:54:38 DEBUG: [6DA07454: 5001 <] HEX: 696d65693a3836343138303033343337383730382c747261636b65722c3137313232333132353433372c2c462c3034353433332e3030302c412c313931362e353834332c4e2c31303334332e383138332c572c302e30302c303b
2017-12-23 04:54:38  INFO: [6DA07454] id: 864180034378708, time: 2017-12-23 04:54:33, lat: 19.27641, lon: -103.73031, speed: 0.0, course: 0.0
2017-12-23 04:53:38 DEBUG: [6DA07454: 5001 <] HEX: 696d65693a3836343138303033343337383730382c747261636b65722c3137313232333132353333372c2c462c3034353333332e3030302c412c313931362e353834332c4e2c31303334332e383138332c572c302e30302c303b
2017-12-23 04:53:38  INFO: [6DA07454] id: 864180034378708, time: 2017-12-23 04:53:33, lat: 19.27641, lon: -103.73031, speed: 0.0, course: 0.0


kaykor6 years ago

Your log entries has no OBD data, so Traccar does not report it. There are many tracker devices using the tk103 protocol, some are reported to work others not so much.
I suggest you try the vendors platform and see if everything works as you expect.
Use the search bar at the top of any page in the forum and read a ton of other peoples experience with this protocol and see if any of their solutions work for you. Find the documentation both user and protocol.
Check your logs and see if you can find any line that is different then just the location hex line, and remember OBD can only be reported while vehicle is running in most cases.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

@evigra, as you can clearly see from original decoded message, there is no fuel data.