Fake sms server?

davejh6 years ago

Anyone know if it is possible to configure an sms server on the same machine to send the sms notifications to an email address. I dont want to make any modifications to the traccar code. so i want traccar to send the notifications to the sms server in the normal way but i want the server to send and email instead.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

What is the reason for it?

davejh6 years ago

Well I have a spare mobile that has an unlimed sms and data plan. this mobile has an android app that scans my email for new traccar notifications. Any messages it finds with a phone number in the subject field will be sent as a sms to that number which is the number of the mobile I carry with me. The app needs the email subject field to be formatted in a particular way. I have edited the subject field in the email templates in traccar in the way the Android app needs as per the example below. The reason I need this is that I travel all over the UK to some remote places where I cant get emails but I can get sms messages. This android app is called emailtosmsgateway and it works very well. and it eliminates the need to use smsglobal.com which saves me money. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.maxlabmobile.emailtosmsgateway

#set($subject = "ets:$device.phone")
<!DOCTYPE html>
Device: $device.name<br>
Time: $dateTool.format("YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", $event.serverTime, $locale, $timezone)<br>
Link: <a href="$webUrl?eventId=$event.id">$webUrl?eventId=$event.id</a>
Anton Tananaev6 years ago

OK, but what I don't understand is why you can't just use regular email notifications?

davejh6 years ago

I can use regular email notifications and that works well. However, i want to do away with the need use smsglobal.com so the other users will still be able to use the sms features of traccar without error. they will still get the sms notifications albeit via my email box instead of smsglobal

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

What I can recommend instead is use Android app that acts as an SMPP server. For example something like this:


davejh6 years ago

I looked at that. However, i am not sure how traccar would communicate with the app. My mobile network does not issue public ip addresses. Plus with that solution, I would still be using service I have to pay for.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

You can always set up some kind of bridge between phone and server. Possibly VPN or something like that.

davejh6 years ago

yes I was looking at a vpn. Thanks