Commands queueing when device is online

socstur6 years ago

Hi Anton,
I saw someone raised a similar issue in 3.15 was it ever resolved? I’m seeing similar problem where device is online but commands to the devices are still being queued. Even when device reports location, which is every 10 minutes, queued command is not sent. I have to restart server to fix it.

As a temp there a way to disable the command queueing feature?


Anton Tananaev6 years ago

There is no way to disable it, but there is also no point in disabling it. Commands are only queued if device is not online:

It means that even if there was a way to disable it, commands wouldn't be sent anyway.

There might be some issue with active devices database, but you would need to investigate the issue or provide steps to reproduce the issue if you want it to be fixed.

socstur6 years ago

Hi Anton,
The issue is happening on a live production server so I’m not sure how to go about debugging code. Please let me know if you have any ideas. Will there be any clues in the log files?

Same problem occurred today but I was able to avoid shutting down the server by disabling and re-enabling the device of interest. I’ll say this work around did not work for all the devices that were queuing commands while they were online.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

There won't be anything in the logs, but you can build a custom version to log some extra information.

socstur6 years ago

What can I put in the code to log it? I’m assuming it’ll go in this code?

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

There and probably in ConnectionManager as well.

socstur6 years ago

Sorry I meant to ask what I needed to put in those files to get it logged. Coding skills at intermediate level :).

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Something like Log.debug(...

socstur6 years ago

ok...thanks. will update an anything I find

socstur6 years ago

Hi Anton,
I have added these debug lines to commandsManager code. Do you think this will be sufficient to determine if its an active device issue? If it is then I'll build and run in production server to catch this problem. The issue usually occurs after running server for a day or two.

public boolean sendCommand(Command command) throws Exception {
        long deviceId = command.getDeviceId();
        Log.debug("Trying to send command to device with id:" + Long.toString(command.getDeviceId())); //DEBUG ...take out//
        if (command.getId() != 0) {
            command = getById(command.getId()).clone();
        if (command.getTextChannel()) {
            Position lastPosition = Context.getIdentityManager().getLastPosition(deviceId);
            String phone = Context.getIdentityManager().getById(deviceId).getPhone();
            if (lastPosition != null) {
                BaseProtocol protocol = Context.getServerManager().getProtocol(lastPosition.getProtocol());
                protocol.sendTextCommand(phone, command);
            } else if (command.getType().equals(Command.TYPE_CUSTOM)) {
                if (Context.getSmppManager() != null) {
                    Context.getSmppManager().sendMessageSync(phone, command.getString(Command.KEY_DATA), true);
                } else {
                    throw new RuntimeException("SMPP client is not enabled");
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException("Command " + command.getType() + " is not supported");
        } else {
            ActiveDevice activeDevice = Context.getConnectionManager().getActiveDevice(deviceId);
            if (activeDevice != null) {
                Log.debug("Command will be sent to device with device id " + deviceId + " which is an active device"); //DEBUG ...take out//
            } else {
                Log.debug("Command will NOT be sent to device with device id " + deviceId + ", device is not active"); //DEBUG ...take out//
                return false;
        return true;
socstur6 years ago

Hi Anton,
Here is some debug logs if you can help me get to the bottom of this issue. It looks like the devices are coming up as inactive but this cannot be the case. I'm showing below logs of the device sending location data at 8:22:47am and 8:23:58am. In between those two I tried to issue a command to the device at 8:23:57am and I get my device is not active message. Do you have any idea what is going on and how to fix?

2018-04-20 08:22:47 DEBUG: [746A34B5: 5023 <] HEX: 78780a134606040002028b928d0d0a
2018-04-20 08:22:47 DEBUG: [746A34B5: 5023 >] HEX: 78780513028bf1130d0a
2018-04-20 08:22:47  INFO: [746A34B5] id: 358899059185713, time: 2018-04-20 08:21:47, lat: x.73390, lon: -x.31348, speed: 13.5, course: 344.0

2018-04-20 08:23:57 DEBUG: Trying to send command to device with id:3939
2018-04-20 08:23:57 DEBUG: Command will NOT be sent to device with device id 3939, device is not active

2018-04-20 08:23:58 DEBUG: [746A34B5: 5023 <] HEX: 78781f121204140d1739ce009d800300089ceb0fdd55026c0200370086c9028c91210d0a
2018-04-20 08:23:58 DEBUG: [746A34B5: 5023 >] HEX: 78780512028cdf700d0a
2018-04-20 08:23:58  INFO: [746A34B5] id: 358899059185713, time: 2018-04-20 08:23:57, lat: x.73440, lon: -x.31359, speed: 8.1, course: 341.0
Anton Tananaev6 years ago

I don't think the information you have there is useful. We already know it's queued, so adding more logging for it doesn't really help. I still think you should put some logging into ConnectionManager.

socstur6 years ago

Please can you provide a good place within ConnectionManager to add a log for debugging? I'm not very familiar with the code.

socstur6 years ago

Hi Anton,
I placed a log in connection manager where devices are being added and removed from the active device list. I have added the log below where you can also see the connection between the device and the server. You can see in the log below within a 5 second period the device is being added and removed from the list several times before it is removed and never added. All while the device is still active and communicating with the server. Does this provide any clues as to what might be going on here?

tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 01:54:57  INFO: [DDFF9E99] id: 868683029782202, time: 2018-04-22 01:54:36, lat: 5.62248, lon: -0.12254, course: 0.0
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 01:55:02 DEBUG: [DDFF9E99: 5001 <] HEX: 696d65693a3836383638333032393738323230322c747261636b65722c3138303432323036353435312c2c462c3036353434362e3030302c412c303533372e333532362c4e2c30303030372e333535322c572c2c3b
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 01:55:02  INFO: [DDFF9E99] id: 868683029782202, time: 2018-04-22 01:54:46, lat: 5.62248, lon: -0.12254, course: 0.0
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:18  INFO: [3E6431C8] connected
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:19 DEBUG: [DDFF9E99: 5001 <] HEX: 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
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:19  INFO: [DDFF9E99] id: 868683029782202, time: 2018-04-22 01:54:56, lat: 5.62248, lon: -0.12254, course: 0.0
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:19 DEBUG: [DDFF9E99: 5001 >] HEX: 4f4e
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:19  INFO: [DDFF9E99] id: 868683029782202, time: 2018-04-22 01:55:05, lat: 5.62248, lon: -0.12254, course: 0.0
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:19  INFO: [DDFF9E99] id: 868683029782202, time: 2018-04-22 01:55:16, lat: 5.62248, lon: -0.12254, course: 0.0
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:19  INFO: [DDFF9E99] id: 868683029782202, time: 2018-04-22 01:55:25, lat: 5.62248, lon: -0.12254, course: 0.0
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:19  INFO: [DDFF9E99] id: 868683029782202, time: 2018-04-22 01:55:36, lat: 5.62248, lon: -0.12254, course: 0.0
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:19  INFO: [DDFF9E99] id: 868683029782202, time: 2018-04-22 01:55:46, lat: 5.62248, lon: -0.12254, course: 0.0
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:19 DEBUG: [DDFF9E99: 5001 >] HEX: 4f4e
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:19  INFO: [DDFF9E99] id: 868683029782202, time: 2018-04-22 01:55:56, lat: 5.62248, lon: -0.12254, course: 0.0
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:19  INFO: [DDFF9E99] id: 868683029782202, time: 2018-04-22 01:56:05, lat: 5.62248, lon: -0.12254, course: 0.0
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:19  INFO: [DDFF9E99] id: 868683029782202, time: 2018-04-22 01:56:16, lat: 5.62248, lon: -0.12254, course: 0.0
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:19  INFO: [DDFF9E99] id: 868683029782202, time: 2018-04-22 01:56:26, lat: 5.62248, lon: -0.12254, course: 0.0
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:19  INFO: [DDFF9E99] id: 868683029782202, time: 2018-04-22 01:56:36, lat: 5.62248, lon: -0.12254, course: 0.0
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:20 DEBUG: Device id:2 is added to active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:20 DEBUG: Device id 2is removed from active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:20 DEBUG: Device id:2 is added to active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:20 DEBUG: Device id 2is removed from active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:20 DEBUG: Device id:2 is added to active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:20 DEBUG: Device id 2is removed from active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:21 DEBUG: Device id:2 is added to active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:21 DEBUG: Device id 2is removed from active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:21 DEBUG: [DDFF9E99: 5001 <] HEX: 2c303533372e333532362c4e2c30303030372e333535322c572c2c3b696d65693a3836383638333032393738323230322c747261636b65722c3138303432323036353730322c2c462c3036353635352e3030302c412c303533372e333532362c4e2c30303030372e333535322c572c2c3b
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:21  INFO: [DDFF9E99] id: 868683029782202, time: 2018-04-22 01:56:45, lat: 5.62248, lon: -0.12254, course: 0.0
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:21  INFO: [DDFF9E99] id: 868683029782202, time: 2018-04-22 01:56:55, lat: 5.62248, lon: -0.12254, course: 0.0
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:21  INFO: [DDFF9E99] disconnected
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:21 DEBUG: Device id:2 is added to active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:21 DEBUG: Device id 2is removed from active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:21 DEBUG: Device id:2 is added to active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:21 DEBUG: Device id 2is removed from active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:22 DEBUG: Device id:2 is added to active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:22 DEBUG: Device id 2is removed from active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:22 DEBUG: Device id:2 is added to active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:22 DEBUG: Device id 2is removed from active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:22 DEBUG: Device id:2 is added to active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:22 DEBUG: Device id 2is removed from active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:22 DEBUG: Device id:2 is added to active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:22 DEBUG: Device id 2is removed from active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:22 DEBUG: Device id:2 is added to active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:22 DEBUG: Device id 2is removed from active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:22 DEBUG: Device id:2 is added to active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:22 DEBUG: Device id 2is removed from active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:22 DEBUG: Device id:2 is added to active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:22 DEBUG: Device id 2is removed from active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:22 DEBUG: Device id:2 is added to active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:22 DEBUG: Device id 2is removed from active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:22 DEBUG: Device id:2 is added to active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:22 DEBUG: Device id 2is removed from active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:22 DEBUG: Device id:2 is added to active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:22 DEBUG: Device id 2is removed from active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:22 DEBUG: Device id:2 is added to active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:22 DEBUG: Device id 2is removed from active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:23 DEBUG: Device id:2 is added to active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:23 DEBUG: Device id 2is removed from active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:23 DEBUG: Device id:2 is added to active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:23 DEBUG: Device id 2is removed from active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:23 DEBUG: Device id:2 is added to active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:23 DEBUG: Device id 2is removed from active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:23 DEBUG: Device id:2 is added to active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:23 DEBUG: Device id 2is removed from active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:23 DEBUG: [3E6431C8: 5001 <] HEX: 23232c696d65693a3836383638333032393738323230322c413b
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:23 DEBUG: [3E6431C8: 5001 >] HEX: 4c4f4144
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:23 DEBUG: Device id:2 is added to active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:24 DEBUG: Device id:2 is added to active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:24 DEBUG: Device id 2is removed from active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:24 DEBUG: Device id:2 is added to active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:24 DEBUG: Device id 2is removed from active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:24 DEBUG: Device id:2 is added to active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:24 DEBUG: Device id 2is removed from active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:24 DEBUG: Device id:2 is added to active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:24 DEBUG: Device id 2is removed from active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:24 DEBUG: Device id:2 is added to active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:24 DEBUG: Device id 2is removed from active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:25 DEBUG: Device id:2 is added to active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:25 DEBUG: Device id 2is removed from active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:25 DEBUG: Device id:2 is added to active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:25 DEBUG: Device id 2is removed from active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:25 DEBUG: Device id:2 is added to active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:25 DEBUG: Device id 2is removed from active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:25 DEBUG: Device id:2 is added to active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:16:25 DEBUG: Device id 2is removed from active devices list
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:17:07 DEBUG: [3E6431C8: 5001 <] HEX: 3836383638333032393738323230323b
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:17:07 DEBUG: [3E6431C8: 5001 >] HEX: 4f4e
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:17:09 DEBUG: [3E6431C8: 5001 <] HEX: 696d65693a3836383638333032393738323230322c747261636b65722c3138303432323036353731322c2c462c3036353730362e3030302c412c303533372e333532362c4e2c30303030372e333535322c572c2c3b
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:17:09  INFO: [3E6431C8] id: 868683029782202, time: 2018-04-22 01:57:06, lat: 5.62248, lon: -0.12254, course: 0.0
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:17:14 DEBUG: [3E6431C8: 5001 <] HEX: 696d65693a3836383638333032393738323230322c747261636b65722c3138303432323036353732322c2c462c3036353731362e3030302c412c303533372e333532362c4e2c30303030372e333535322c572c2c3b
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:17:14  INFO: [3E6431C8] id: 868683029782202, time: 2018-04-22 01:57:16, lat: 5.62248, lon: -0.12254, course: 0.0
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:17:19 DEBUG: [3E6431C8: 5001 <] HEX: 696d65693a3836383638333032393738323230322c747261636b65722c3138303432323036353733322c2c462c3036353732362e3030302c412c303533372e333532362c4e2c30303030372e333535322c572c2c3b
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:17:19  INFO: [3E6431C8] id: 868683029782202, time: 2018-04-22 01:57:26, lat: 5.62248, lon: -0.12254, course: 0.0
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:17:24 DEBUG: [3E6431C8: 5001 <] HEX: 696d65693a3836383638333032393738323230322c747261636b65722c3138303432323036353734322c2c462c3036353733352e3030302c412c303533372e333532362c4e2c30303030372e333535322c572c2c3b
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:17:24  INFO: [3E6431C8] id: 868683029782202, time: 2018-04-22 01:57:35, lat: 5.62248, lon: -0.12254, course: 0.0
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:17:29 DEBUG: [3E6431C8: 5001 <] HEX: 696d65693a3836383638333032393738323230322c747261636b65722c3138303432323036353735322c2c462c3036353734352e3030302c412c303533372e333532362c4e2c30303030372e333535322c572c2c3b
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:17:29  INFO: [3E6431C8] id: 868683029782202, time: 2018-04-22 01:57:45, lat: 5.62248, lon: -0.12254, course: 0.0
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:17:34 DEBUG: [3E6431C8: 5001 <] HEX: 696d65693a3836383638333032393738323230322c747261636b65722c3138303432323036353830322c2c462c3036353735372e3030302c412c303533372e333532362c4e2c30303030372e333535322c572c2c3b
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:17:34  INFO: [3E6431C8] id: 868683029782202, time: 2018-04-22 01:57:57, lat: 5.62248, lon: -0.12254, course: 0.0
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:17:39 DEBUG: [3E6431C8: 5001 <] HEX: 696d65693a3836383638333032393738323230322c747261636b65722c3138303432323036353831322c2c462c3036353830362e3030302c412c303533372e333532362c4e2c30303030372e333535322c572c2c3b
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:17:39  INFO: [3E6431C8] id: 868683029782202, time: 2018-04-22 01:58:06, lat: 5.62248, lon: -0.12254, course: 0.0
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:17:44 DEBUG: [3E6431C8: 5001 <] HEX: 696d65693a3836383638333032393738323230322c747261636b65722c3138303432323036353832322c2c462c3036353831362e3030302c412c303533372e333532362c4e2c30303030372e333535322c572c2c3b
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:17:44  INFO: [3E6431C8] id: 868683029782202, time: 2018-04-22 01:58:16, lat: 5.62248, lon: -0.12254, course: 0.0
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:17:49 DEBUG: [3E6431C8: 5001 <] HEX: 696d65693a3836383638333032393738323230322c747261636b65722c3138303432323036353833322c2c462c3036353832362e3030302c412c303533372e333532362c4e2c30303030372e333535322c572c2c3b
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:17:49  INFO: [3E6431C8] id: 868683029782202, time: 2018-04-22 01:58:26, lat: 5.62248, lon: -0.12254, course: 0.0
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:17:54 DEBUG: [3E6431C8: 5001 <] HEX: 696d65693a3836383638333032393738323230322c747261636b65722c3138303432323036353834322c2c462c3036353833362e3030302c412c303533372e333532362c4e2c30303030372e333535322c572c2c3b
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:17:54  INFO: [3E6431C8] id: 868683029782202, time: 2018-04-22 01:58:36, lat: 5.62248, lon: -0.12254, course: 0.0
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:17:59 DEBUG: [3E6431C8: 5001 <] HEX: 696d65693a3836383638333032393738323230322c747261636b65722c3138303432323036353835322c2c462c3036353834362e3030302c412c303533372e333532362c4e2c30303030372e333535322c572c2c3b
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:17:59  INFO: [3E6431C8] id: 868683029782202, time: 2018-04-22 01:58:46, lat: 5.62248, lon: -0.12254, course: 0.0
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:18:04 DEBUG: [3E6431C8: 5001 <] HEX: 696d65693a3836383638333032393738323230322c747261636b65722c3138303432323036353930322c2c462c3036353835352e3030302c412c303533372e333532362c4e2c30303030372e333535322c572c2c3b
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:18:04  INFO: [3E6431C8] id: 868683029782202, time: 2018-04-22 01:58:55, lat: 5.62248, lon: -0.12254, course: 0.0
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:18:07 DEBUG: [3E6431C8: 5001 <] HEX: 3836383638333032393738323230323b
tracker-server.log:2018-04-22 02:18:07 DEBUG: [3E6431C8: 5001 >] HEX: 4f4e
Anton Tananaev6 years ago

OK, for some reason you get removed from active devices list. You need to dig deeper to understand why it happens.