Permissions API Manual Database Update

Nikhil6 years ago

I have close to 30000 records in the user_device table of the traccar server. Can I just delete the records from the database directly which I want to remove rather than making & running a permissions api script to delete the records. Will this work or not? I wanted a conformation as the product is being used in production.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Yes, you can, but you need to restart service after changing database directly.

Nikhil6 years ago

ok. thanks this will save lot of time for me

Nikhil6 years ago

one more thing i wanted to ask is just like the delete operation of permissions assigning the permission operation can be done directly on the DB right without calling the API?

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Yes, anything can be done directly through the database, but requires restart.