Traccar Client - Offline Question

Jurie Botha6 years ago

Hi there,

I would just like to find out if the traccar client stores location information when it is out of contact with the server.

We have a situation where we would like to track the location of contractors, but some of the sites they work on are out of network coverage.

So, what I would like to know is if the traccar client stores the location update information when it's unable to connect to server, and then uploads as soon as contact is re-established. if not, could I possibly combine traccar with something else to provide such functionality?

Thanx in advance,

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Traccar Client stores location when offline. You could have easily found an answer by search. It has been asked many times before.

Jurie Botha6 years ago

Thanx, I did search but could not find an answer.

Thanx for the reply though, much appreciated.

Armstrong6 years ago

Any plan on adding a FAQ ?