Web-socket error after update...

parelius6 years ago

After utdate to 4.1 i get web-socket connection error all the time, and i cant export reports any more...
No mods.
In console i have this error:

ext-all.js:22 GET https://xxxxxx.no/api/reports/summary?_dc=1540062407641&groupId=3&type=allEvents&from=2018-10-20T00%3A00%3A00%2B02%3A00&to=2018-10-21T00%3A00%3A00%2B02%3A00&mail=false 400 (Bad Request)
start @ ext-all.js:22
request @ ext-all.js:22
excelReport @ app.min.js:267
onReportClick @ app.min.js:259
callback @ ext-all.js:22
fireHandler @ ext-all.js:22
onClick @ ext-all.js:22
fire @ ext-all.js:22
fire @ ext-all.js:22
publish @ ext-all.js:22
publishGestures @ ext-all.js:22
onTouchEnd @ ext-all.js:22
publishDelegatedDomEvent @ ext-all.js:22
doDelegatedEvent @ ext-all.js:22
onDelegatedEvent @ ext-all.js:22
(anonymous) @ ext-all.js:22
Armstrong6 years ago

It has been thoroughly tested.
Have you read troubleshooting guide ?

parelius6 years ago

Gone back to 4.0 now, and all working perfect....

Tested 4.1 with or without SSL, same thing.
I have no mods.

parelius6 years ago

Installed on another test server, same thing...

2018-10-21 01:57:41  INFO: Logging initialized @24693ms to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog
2018-10-21 01:57:47  INFO: Operating system name: Windows Server 2012 R2 version: 6.3 architecture: amd64
2018-10-21 01:57:47  INFO: Java runtime name: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM vendor: Oracle Corporation version:
2018-10-21 01:57:47  INFO: Memory limit heap: 494mb non-heap: 0mb
2018-10-21 01:57:47  INFO: Character encoding: Cp1252 charset: windows-1252
2018-10-21 01:57:47  INFO: Version: 4.1-SNAPSHOT
2018-10-21 01:57:47  INFO: Starting server...
2018-10-21 01:57:48  INFO: jetty-9.4.12.v20180830; built: 2018-08-30T13:59:14.071Z; git: 27208684755d94a92186989f695db2d7b21ebc51; jvm
2018-10-21 01:57:49  INFO: Started o.t.w.@210d69a7{/,null,AVAILABLE}
2018-10-21 01:57:49  INFO: DefaultSessionIdManager workerName=node0
2018-10-21 01:57:49  INFO: No SessionScavenger set, using defaults
2018-10-21 01:57:49  INFO: node0 Scavenging every 600000ms
2018-10-21 01:57:55  INFO: Started o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler@8c55d03{/,null,AVAILABLE}
2018-10-21 01:57:55  INFO: Started ServerConnector@647d5c84{HTTP/1.1,[http/1.1]}{}
2018-10-21 01:57:55  INFO: Started @38960ms
2018-10-21 02:00:22 ERROR: Method createTransformer of org.jxls.transform.poi.PoiTransformer class thrown an Exception - InvocationTargetException (... < ReportUtils:158 < Route:82 < ReportResource:113 < ...)
2018-10-21 02:00:32 ERROR: Method createTransformer of org.jxls.transform.poi.PoiTransformer class thrown an Exception - InvocationTargetException (... < ReportUtils:158 < Route:82 < ReportResource:113 < ...)
2018-10-21 02:00:32 ERROR: Thread exception - NullPointerException (... < ReportUtils:159 < Route:82 < ReportResource:113 < ...)
2018-10-21 02:00:49 ERROR: Method createTransformer of org.jxls.transform.poi.PoiTransformer class thrown an Exception - InvocationTargetException (... < ReportUtils:158 < Events:130 < ReportResource:137 < ...)
2018-10-21 02:01:14  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:106 < ReportUtils:199 < *:299 < *:360 < Trips:44 < ...)
2018-10-21 02:01:14  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:106 < ReportUtils:199 < *:299 < *:360 < Trips:44 < ...)
2018-10-21 02:01:15  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:106 < ReportUtils:199 < *:299 < *:360 < Trips:44 < ...)
2018-10-21 02:01:15  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:106 < ReportUtils:199 < *:299 < *:360 < Trips:44 < ...)
2018-10-21 02:01:17  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:106 < ReportUtils:199 < *:299 < *:360 < Trips:44 < ...)
2018-10-21 02:01:17  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:106 < ReportUtils:210 < *:299 < *:360 < Trips:44 < ...)
2018-10-21 02:01:17  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:106 < ReportUtils:199 < *:299 < *:360 < Trips:44 < ...)
2018-10-21 02:01:18  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:106 < ReportUtils:199 < *:299 < *:360 < Trips:44 < ...)
2018-10-21 02:01:18  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:106 < ReportUtils:199 < *:299 < *:360 < Trips:44 < ...)
2018-10-21 02:01:23  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:106 < ReportUtils:199 < *:299 < *:360 < Trips:44 < ...)
2018-10-21 02:01:23  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:106 < ReportUtils:199 < *:299 < *:360 < Trips:44 < ...)
2018-10-21 02:01:23  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:106 < ReportUtils:199 < *:299 < *:360 < Trips:44 < ...)
2018-10-21 02:01:23  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:106 < ReportUtils:210 < *:299 < *:360 < Trips:44 < ...)
2018-10-21 02:01:23  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:106 < ReportUtils:199 < *:299 < *:360 < Trips:44 < ...)
2018-10-21 02:01:23  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:106 < ReportUtils:199 < *:299 < *:360 < Trips:44 < ...)
2018-10-21 02:01:23  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:106 < ReportUtils:199 < *:299 < *:360 < Trips:44 < ...)
2018-10-21 02:01:24  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:106 < ReportUtils:199 < *:299 < *:360 < Trips:44 < ...)
2018-10-21 02:01:24  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:106 < ReportUtils:199 < *:299 < *:360 < Trips:44 < ...)
2018-10-21 02:01:24  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:106 < ReportUtils:210 < *:299 < *:360 < Trips:44 < ...)
2018-10-21 02:01:24  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:106 < ReportUtils:199 < *:299 < *:360 < Trips:44 < ...)
2018-10-21 02:01:24  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:106 < ReportUtils:199 < *:299 < *:360 < Trips:44 < ...)
2018-10-21 02:01:25  WARN: Geocoder network error - HTTP 429 Too Many Requests - ClientErrorException (... < JsonGeocoder:106 < ReportUtils:199 < *:299 < *:360 < Trips:44 < ...)
2018-10-21 02:01:25 ERROR: Method createTransformer of org.jxls.transform.poi.PoiTransformer class thrown an Exception - InvocationTargetException (... < ReportUtils:158 < Trips:90 < ReportResource:182 < ...)
2018-10-21 02:05:31 ERROR: Method createTransformer of org.jxls.transform.poi.PoiTransformer class thrown an Exception - InvocationTargetException (... < ReportUtils:158 < Route:82 < ReportResource:113 < ...)
2018-10-21 02:06:44 ERROR: Method createTransformer of org.jxls.transform.poi.PoiTransformer class thrown an Exception - InvocationTargetException (... < ReportUtils:158 < Events:130 < ReportResource:137 < ...)
2018-10-21 02:09:06  INFO: you may change the SPI on file: META-INF/services/org.jxls.util.ServiceFactory
2018-10-21 02:09:06  INFO: you may change the SPI on file: META-INF/services/org.jxls.util.JxlsConfigProvider
2018-10-21 02:09:06 ERROR: Method createTransformer of org.jxls.transform.poi.PoiTransformer class thrown an Exception - InvocationTargetException (... < Summary:114 < ReportResource:159 < *:90 < *:158 < ...)
Anton Tananaev6 years ago

What is the WebSocket error? Check browser network console for details.

parelius6 years ago

I reverted back, so cant check the web-socket fault, but the report fault is above.
None of the report export worked, and the new email report didnt work,

Back to 4.0 now, and all working fine....