Watch Protocol Audio Sending in Server 4.2

Michael5 years ago

Hi, I just updated from 4.0 to 4.2.

When I send command type 'voiceMessage' to watch devices, in server logs there are no information about commands sent to the device and no response from device.
I tried to enable ALL loggin level but no run time errors or similar were recorded.

Is this normal? Where I am wrong?

Thanks for help.

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

No, it's not. You should see at least a message confirming that command was sent.

Michael5 years ago

Hi, I do a full debug with a watch protocol device.

After call formatCommand() with no keys in keys argument the execution stopped at

The exception is launched by
String result = String.format(format, (Object[]) keys);
java.util.UnknownFormatConversionException: Conversion = 'Y'

I don't know if this is a bug or is something about me.
After this exception no audio is sent to the device.

I tried to bypass this exception setting result directly to format and the command was sent, but no audio received by device.

Have I to open an issue?

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

The problem is with the command that you are sending. What exactly are you sending?

Michael5 years ago

After bypass the exception this is what was logged:

2019-01-03 09:24:31  INFO: [ef5b671f] id: 8003450618, command type: voiceMessage sent
2019-01-03 09:24:31  INFO: [ef5b671f: 5093 >] HEX: 5b33472a383030333435303631382a316263362a544b2c2321414d520a7d04efbfbdefbfbd7c00efbfbd01efbfbdefbfbdefbfbd2f50efbfbd262fefbfbdefbfbdefbfbd60efbfbd527d04efbfbdefbfbd7c00efbfbd01efbfbdefbfbdefbfbd2f ... defbfbdefbfbdefbfbd7234efbfbd6e7d04586b19efbfbd57efbfbd04efbfbdefbfbd7d047560efbfbdefbfbdefbfbdefbfbd6e00efbfbd307d04586befbfbd68400a21efbfbd3fefbfbd3aefbfbdefbfbdefbfbd78efbfbd20711c367d046aefbfbdefbfbdefbfbd6215efbfbdefbfbd534a2befbfbdefbfbdefbfbd393d53efbfbd04427c5d
2019-01-03 09:25:01  INFO: [ef5b671f: 5093 <] HEX: 5b33472a383030333435303631382a303030392a4c4b2c302c302c37355d
2019-01-03 09:25:01  INFO: [ef5b671f: 5093 >] HEX: 5b33472a383030333435303631382a303030322a4c4b5d
2019-01-03 09:25:01  INFO: [ef5b671f] id: 8003450618, time: 2019-01-03 08:45:35, lat: 45.30585, lon: 12.03477, course: 0.0
2019-01-03 09:25:11  INFO: [ef5b671f: 5093 <] HEX: 5b33472a383030333435303631382a303030332a544b515d
2019-01-03 09:25:11  INFO: [ef5b671f: 5093 >] HEX: 5b33472a383030333435303631382a303030332a544b515d
2019-01-03 09:25:12  INFO: [ef5b671f: 5093 <] HEX: 5b33472a383030333435303631382a303030342a544b51325d
Michael5 years ago

I'm sending a voiceMessage through the web interface, I pasted an HEX of an AMR audio file.

Michael5 years ago

I last tried to convert AMR by hand and I get a totally different Hex command to send to device.
The commands are translated using US-ASCII which is 7-bit but the AMR audio have to be sent with 8-bit byte sequences, isn't it?
I have no way to test this... I'm in stuck, voice messages are not sending...

I'm refering to WatchProtocolEncoder method

private String getBinaryData(Command command) 

last row:

return new String(encodedData, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII);

This returns me a string totally different from mine.

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

What do you get and how is it different?

Michael5 years ago

Here the first 30 bytes of the original AMR file:


My first 30 bytes encoded (32 in tot) conforming to the protocol:


The first 30 bytes encoded (32 in tot) from traccar debug:


I'm trying to understand why I am wrong, and why the traccar can't send the voiceMessage successful to the device...

Michael5 years ago

I attach my device on demo5 server, and retry voiceMessage sending with a new AMR.
The web interface said "Command sent" but no msg received by the device.
In past version I tried some voiceMessage (with wrong encoding) and the message arrived to the device but the device was not able to replay the audio because it was a failing encoding.
Now the device received nothing.

If you need I can send you the AMR source file.

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

I think StringEncoder doesn't handle it properly, so I guess it won't work as it is.

Michael5 years ago

Ok, this is one of my theories.
I'll try some kind of bypass in order to get it working temporarily.

Michael, did you manage to fix this?

I think I found a fix. I'll have to test it tonight with the real watch:



                pipeline.addLast(new StringEncoder());


                pipeline.addLast(new StringEncoder(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII));

What do you think? Will this work for the other commands?

Well, now the voice message arrives to the watch and I can listen to it, but it sounds like noise.