Traccar "Stops" time miscalculation

vishy925 years ago


I have a problem with traccar at my workplace.

When a driver disables the gps and goes about to do some private business and he enables it again after a few hours the traccar web interface reports it as a single stop! This causes their hours to be very hard to calculate. Any solutions for this problem:/?

I usually calculate their time in the field by adding together relevant trips and stops at a given day, but this method is unsusable the way it is right now.

Any help is greatly appreciated

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

It's not possible to have a gap in reports. It can either be a trip or a stop.

vishy925 years ago

Thats not really my problem. My problem is more precisely, if hey disable the gps for a set amount of time and then turn it back on a few hours later in the report for stops it adds the time the device was off to the last stop. Making the stops much longer than they should be. This causes problems when calculating stops and work time.

trackinguser4455 years ago

are you sure? if the device is not sending then its not sending anything to create a log.
are you able to get last log as well as the newest log for your purposes?