Accumulators - Hours

JSilva5 years ago


I have some devices teltonika FM1100.
I had to created the computed attributte Ignition: "di1 ? di1 == 1 : false" beacause traccar don't translate di1 to ignition, but is working ok.

However the accumalator hours doesn't show on status panel.
If I add a value to accumulator hour, on next position received it disapear. I open the window of accumulators and hours = "NaN"

I already have this " 'processing.engineHours.enable' = true " on traccar.xml

What I'm doing wrong?

Thank you

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

The problem is that hours processing happens before computed attributes.

Saqib4 years ago

Same issue here. @JSilva were you able to solve this ?