Passenger count per trip

Ryan4 years ago

I have a request and willing to pay for the passenger count per trip reporting system. Please provide estimate.

At point A, the vehicle has RFID attached and every tap of rFID card on the device, the gps device sends data with RFID data along with usual GPS data. ( passenger info collection)
After some time (after 30 minutes or if the vehicle is full), the vehicle at Point A will leave and start the trip going to Point B.
Then the vehicle arrived at Point B. At this point, we can say that all registered passenger info at Point A will be considered as inside the vehicle and should be counted.


  • we can add geofence at Point A and Point B
  • upon entering at Point B, all passenger info will be reset, and all RFID taps on Point B will be counted on the next trip (going to Point A)
  • list all RFID information on the report for trips.
  • there is only one rfid reader. passenger will only tap the rfid card upon entering the vehicle.

Please let me know if I miss some info

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Send an email to support address if you are interested in a quote for the work.