Web connection timeout in v.4.10

walker21014 years ago

Hello! I've tried to update on version 4.10 and noticed that after several minutes browser sends me to login page. Is it a timeout somewhere? How i can turn it off?

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Most likely the issue is with your browser. Probably something with cookies.

walker21014 years ago

I use firefox and chrome with usual properties on two different PC's. May be there's something with my old config files. I'll try to reinstall traccar and start it with native configuration files.


I had the same error
Try these two lines after configuring the database in conf/traccar.xml

<entry key='server.timeout'>102</entry>
<entry key='web.timeout'>600000</entry>
walker21014 years ago
<entry key='server.timeout'>102</entry>
<entry key='web.timeout'>600000</entry>

That didn't work, but if i'm connecting on new version http://localhost:8082/modern/#/ it's not disconnecting.