Device not responding

bruno8 years ago

Hi everyone, I am using a cheap chinese tracking device which says it's ID is 0+IMEI last 11 bits. So I guess the protocol is 5002. Inside the instruction manual it refers to the device as the GT02A and the command instructions for SMS are : APN,666666,APN name# and SERVER,666666,1,WWW.GPSTRACK.NET,8821,0#.

I have send the SMS according to these instructions but used my own server but I can't even get traccar to see the device on the map. I know my server is working properly because I can add my iphone with no problems. I also opened port 5002 on the VPS but I don't even see anything. I don't know where the problem could be. Any ideas?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

@bruno, please see following page:

bruno8 years ago

Thanks Anton