GT06 protocol stopped informing the address

Mega Box Brasil4 years ago

Muito Obrigado!
Meu erro é com GT06 da Concox.
Nenhum dos milhares exibe o endereço automaticamente.
MEsmo o rastreador enviando e salvando no banco,.

É o unico assim, 8 meses com isto.

Mega Box Brasil3 years ago

I found the solution to the problem of not showing the address written automatically on devices with the gt06 protocol. The problem is not with the database or the driver as mentioned.

I would like to contribute to the solution.


Delete lines 263 and 264 and, in place of lines 263 and 264, add the following code:

    int lac = buf.readUnsignedShort ();
    int cid = buf.readUnsignedMedium ();

    position.set ("mcc", mcc);
    position.set ("mnc", mnc);
    position.set ("lac", lac);
    position.set ("cid", cid);

    position.setNetwork (new network (CellTower.from (
   (mcc, 15), mnc, lac, cid)));


Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Please send a pull request on GitHub if you want to contribute a code change. Make sure you provide all the context.