Local / Demo Server Configuration

Metin4 years ago

Dear All;

I am using TK102B type GPS tracker. I set my device to use http://demo.traccar.org/ with port 5002. I also set my Iphone as same adress.
I perfectly follow both devices on DEMO server.

I would like to do same thing from my local server. I changed IP adress to my local server with same ports. (Yes, ports are open and check by PORT Checker).
I can only see my Iphone. TK102B cannot be seen on server. I copied and paste all information from DEMo.traccar to my local server).
I entered same ID (which starts 0+last 11 of IMEI)

Why TK102 cannot be seen from my local server (while it can be followed by DEMO server).


Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Follow troubleshooting guide.

Metin4 years ago

Hi Anton;

I follow all your "helpful" messageges in the forum.

I already search subjects and trounleshhotinh points before write here.

Check tracking server logs:

"On Windows it's usually in C:\Program Files\Traccar\logs"
If server receives any data from device (even if the port is wrong), you should be able to see HEX messages in the log"

Unfortunately, I can only see mobile phone track logs in here. There is no TK102 tracks. That was my question. How a device works with demo.traccar.org but not with my local server (with totaly same settings).

There should be two options here

  1. TK102 doesnt send signal to server - it is not possible, because demo.traccar.org follows same device sithout any problem.
  2. Server doesnt accept signal - (why it accepts from mobile phone.

I worried about device ID (but demo.traccar.org accepts with same ID - and sure same port - 5002).

I am in doubts.....

I aprriciate your efforts. Probably people are asking same questions thousands time.

dear Metin
i am also facing same problem any help would be appreciated pls