Implementing "Password Reset" from Tracar Log-In page

Hristo3 years ago

Hey all,
Has anyone implemented a password reset and what was your approach?

Would it be a good practice to install a third-party pass reset, let's say, php script alongside traccar server with access to the database and call it from the log-in page?
If that script successfully compares the user@email from the one in the database and re-writes the existing password with a new hash for that user id, in this case, would it work straight away, or a restart tracar.service will be needed because of the cache?
Thank you

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

It might work without restart, but I would definitely recommend to use Traccar API instead. Even better if you can implement it directly in Traccar.

Hristo3 years ago

Is there a 'Pass Reset' API end point? I did read the API documentation a few times, but could only find an end point to update the user details.
What am I missing?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Not yet. That's what I'm saying you should implement, ideally.

Hristo3 years ago

I wish I could implement it :) My java coding skills are very amateurish. Even if I get it to work, would probably be full of security flaws.
If it is going to take you a couple of hours to implement the API endpoint for the next release, I am more than happy to sponsor the feature.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

If you are interested in sponsoring the work, feel free to send an email to support to discuss it.