Connection error with Web Socket

Hi, I installed version 4.12 for testing on a local machine. The following message is showing a popup every two minutes:

"Connection error with Web Socket"

Apparently everything works, but the message is shown every two minutes.

x2021-04-02 13:40:13  INFO: HikariPool-1 - Starting...                                                                                        x
x2021-04-02 13:40:15  INFO: HikariPool-1 - Start completed.                                                                                   x
x2021-04-02 13:40:17  INFO: Clearing database change log checksums                                                                            x
x2021-04-02 13:40:18  INFO: Successfully acquired change log lock                                                                             x
x2021-04-02 13:40:18  INFO: Successfully released change log lock                                                                             x
x2021-04-02 13:40:18  INFO: Successfully acquired change log lock                                                                             x
x2021-04-02 13:40:18  INFO: Can not use class liquibase.parser.core.yaml.YamlChangeLogParser as a Liquibase service because org.yaml.snakeyamlx
x2021-04-02 13:40:18  INFO: Can not use class liquibase.parser.core.json.JsonChangeLogParser as a Liquibase service because org.yaml.snakeyamlx
x2021-04-02 13:40:21  INFO: Reading from public.databasechangelog                                                                             x
x2021-04-02 13:40:22  INFO: Reading from public.databasechangelog                                                                             x
x2021-04-02 13:40:22  INFO: Successfully released change log lock                                                                             x
x2021-04-02 13:40:22  INFO: Logging initialized @20584ms to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog                                               x
x2021-04-02 13:40:24  INFO: Your platform does not provide complete low-level API for accessing direct buffers reliably. Unless explicitly reqx
x2021-04-02 13:40:25  INFO: Operating system name: Linux version: 5.8.0-48-generic architecture: amd64                                        x
x2021-04-02 13:40:25  INFO: Java runtime name: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM vendor: ojdkbuild version: 11.0.8+10-LTS                              x
x2021-04-02 13:40:25  INFO: Memory limit heap: 479mb non-heap: 0mb                                                                            x
x2021-04-02 13:40:25  INFO: Character encoding: UTF-8 charset: UTF-8                                                                          x
x2021-04-02 13:40:25  INFO: Version: 4.12                                                                                                     x
x2021-04-02 13:40:25  INFO: Starting server...                                                                                                x
x2021-04-02 13:40:29  INFO: jetty-9.4.36.v20210114; built: 2021-01-14T16:44:28.689Z; git: 238ec6997c7806b055319a6d11f8ae7564adc0de; jvm 11.0.8x
x2021-04-02 13:40:29  INFO: Started o.t.w.@6591f8ea{/,null,AVAILABLE}                                                                         x
x2021-04-02 13:40:29  INFO: DefaultSessionIdManager workerName=node0                                                                          x
x2021-04-02 13:40:29  INFO: No SessionScavenger set, using defaults                                                                           x
x2021-04-02 13:40:29  INFO: node0 Scavenging every 660000ms                                                                                   x
x2021-04-02 13:40:32  INFO: Started o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler@3aed692d{/,null,AVAILABLE}                                                  x
x2021-04-02 13:40:32  INFO: Started ServerConnector@75cf0de5{HTTP/1.1, (http/1.1)}{}                                              x
x2021-04-02 13:40:32  INFO: Started @27433ms                                                                                                  x
x2021-04-02 13:40:32  INFO: Health check enabled with period 480000                                                                           x
x2021-04-02 13:43:27  INFO: user: 1, action: login                                   
Anton Tananaev3 years ago

You can safely ignore it.