Device moving and stopped events not created

I noticed that my server dont always generate deviceMoving and deviceStopped events even if while pulling trip report it's properly recorded but events doesn't match up with the calculated trips. Anyone else experiencing these issue see below my configuration i'm not sure if i'm doing something wrong.

<!-- Trip and movement configurations -->

<entry key='report.trip.minimalTripDuration'>180</entry>
<entry key='report.trip.minimalTripDistance'>300</entry>
<entry key='report.trip.minimalParkingDuration'>600</entry>
<entry key='report.trip.minimalNoDataDuration'>900</entry>

<entry key='status.updateDeviceState'>true</entry>
<entry key='event.overspeed.notRepeat'>true</entry>

<entry key ='report.trip.greedyParking'>true</entry>
<entry key='report.trip.useIgnition'>false</entry>

<entry key='speedLimit'>66.78</entry>
<entry key='event.motion.speedThreshold'>0.7</entry>

<!-- All server filters -->

<entry key='filter.enable'>true</entry>
<entry key='filter.maxSpeed'>400</entry>
<entry key='filter.future'>32400</entry>
<entry key=''>true</entry>
<entry key='filter.invalid'>true</entry>
<entry key='filter.distance'>205</entry>
<entry key='filter.duplicate'>true</entry>
<entry key='filter.skipAttributes'>driverUniqueId,ignition,alarm</entry>
<entry key='filter.skipAlarm'>true</entry>
Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Thanks i'll modify and test.

My device send the motion with the acelerometer but the motion event is not show in traccar, the other events ignition on, ignition off and online work perfectly, in this case I need make any other configuration?

Thanks I solved my problem.

sakis3 years ago

Can you please post your solution?