4.15 upgrade ok but no entries in tc_positions

spoortrack2 years ago

I'm running Centos 7 with remote mariadb (innoDB) database. All has been perfect on 4.14. After upgrade to 4.15 and restoring config file which points to remote DB, everything seemed up but tc_positions table is not being updated (last record just before update). On the web interface, "Last Updated" is refreshed (eg 3 minutes ago) but looking at the State window, the time is just before the update (several hours ago).

I tested the connection to the DB by renaming a device and sure enough the device was renamed in the tc_devices table - so DB connection is good. Log output shows:

2022-01-20 19:52:51  INFO: user: 1, action: edit, object: device, id: 63

The only WARN I see in the logs is

2022-01-20 19:21:44  WARN: JAXBContext implementation could not be found. WADL feature is disabled.

But I saw from a previous post that this can safely be ignored.

(I tried posting the startup log here but got a "forbidden" message when I try).

Help is appreciated.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Have you tried disabling geocoding?

spoortrack2 years ago

Yup, that worked, thanks.

Out of interest, why would that prevent records being stored in the DB?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

We don't. I'm guessing the device closes connection before geocoding finishes.

spoortrack2 years ago

When the problem was happening I inspected the log and found that the incoming message and outgoing message (after hex to ascii conversion so it's human readable) looked normal. The incoming message looked as expected and the server was responding with a 200 and only then was the connection closed. So if what you say is true (connection closing before geocoding finishes), the server must be giving a 200 response before geocoding finishes. I hope this offers some insight into what might be the issue.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

That's a known limitation.

jay2 years ago

Hi. Do we disable geocoding in the conf file.
I have geocoder enabled in the conf file. Is it this file to disable.
Thank you.

spoortrack2 years ago

Yes, disable in the traccar.xml file - you can copy the line from the default.xml file into the traccar.xml file and set to false.

jay2 years ago

I have upgraded to the new version, I updated the conf file below and my units are still not updating. last position 3 hours ago.
But when I rollback my unit responds

<entry key='geocoder.enable'>false</entry>
<entry key='geocoder.type'>nominatim</entry>
spoortrack2 years ago

I only have the first entry in my traccar.xml file, and adding it fixed my issue. Make sure you restart traccar service/daemon.