Traccar 4.15 fails to start after moving old database

Alf-DK2 years ago


I have installed the new version of Traccar 4.15 on Linux and it starts up fine, but when I put the backup of the database from the previous version. then I can not get on Traccar anymore via. localhost: 8082

i am using the original H2 database

Ronaldo2 years ago

you need to provide logs...

apparently some solution related to this has already been posted since v4.15...

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

You need to migrate the database file. Also, you shouldn't use H2 for production servers.

Ronaldo2 years ago

I was looking through some threads for now, and I found this...

I don't know if it's related to your case because I don't use h2 to be precise in helping

Alf-DK2 years ago

It's a private server I run so it should be ok with the H2 database.

found this thread

I will just look through it and return if it is still a problem.