Server error

paul2 years ago

Hello I have just upgraded to the 4.15 version and I can not get the server to work. I have the following errors.

2022-05-04 16:37:54  INFO: HikariPool-1 - Starting...
2022-05-04 16:37:56 ERROR: HikariPool-1 - Exception during pool initialization. - The write format 1 is smaller than the supported format 2 [2.0.206/5] - MVStoreException (... < DataManager:131 < *:90 < Context:298 < Main:120 < ...)
2022-05-04 16:37:56 ERROR: Main method error - The write format 1 is smaller than the supported format 2 [2.0.206/5] - MVStoreException (... < DataManager:131 < *:90 < Context:298 < Main:120 < ...)
2022-05-04 16:37:56  WARN: JNA: Callback org.traccar.WindowsService$ServiceMain@4f4c4b1a threw the following exception - The write format 1 is smaller than the supported format 2 [2.0.206/5] - MVStoreException (... < DataManager:131 < *:90 < Context:298 < Main:120 < ...)

Any help would be fatastic thank you

Anton Tananaev2 years ago
Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Also I would strongly recommend to avoid using H2 database for a production server.

paul2 years ago

sorry i do not know how to change the h2 database, I will check your link you sent me thank you

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

sorry i do not know how to change the h2 database

We have several documentation pages about it with various database options for you to choose from.

paul2 years ago

Thank you I will take a look, much appreciated

paul2 years ago

To make things easier would it work if I just delete everything and start again? re-enter all my devices once I have a fresh install.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Yes, that's obviously the easiest option if you don't mind losing the data.

paul2 years ago

Much appriciated buddy thank you for your replies.