Is there a way to download the past positions addresses on batch?

Alonso Basauri2 years ago

Hello, I had a problem with my reverse geocoding provider these last days which left me with some positions with an empty address, I found on the broser developer console the call to get the new address:


When that route is called from the browser it does get a new address and puts it in the database, but when calling something similar without the "_dc " parameter I got a response with the correct address but is not updated in the database.

Is there any way to update the address on all past positions?

Thanks for the great work and have a good day!

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Traccar cannot update address retroactively for you. You would need to do it manually or have some script to do it.

Alonso Basauri2 years ago

Ok Anton, thanks for your kind response. And also thanks for the great work and support on Traccar :)