What does "event"=0 in the attribute relate to?

OST2 years ago

As per subject, we are busy with attribute translation and we have noticed our Teltonika units send an "event"=0 in the attributes.
Is this simply a place holder for the balance of the data within that row?
We do, on the same row, see multiple other io data points.
Other rows also show other events (eg "event"=247) and these are coming through as normal, we are just curious to know if the 0 in "event"=0 represents anything specific.
If not we would likely then use other attribute data points to rename the event.

Hope this all makes sense

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

You should check Teltonika documentation.

OST2 years ago

HI Anton,

Thanks for this response.
We have, the parameter list for the units does not list any event or id as 0.
Our thoughts are that this is possibly the CANbus data we are receiving.
This data doesn't always have to be "event" related. Fuel level as an example.
So right now the assumption is these are simply being assigned as event 0.

Thanks again.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Do you have the link to the documentation?

OST2 years ago
Anton Tananaev2 years ago

That's parameter ids, not protocol documentation.

Deborah2 years ago

Event = x indicates the avl that generated the sending of the message.
Event = 0 stands for a message sent with low priority (under normal running conditions say)
in the case of event=247 it stands for indicating that the message in question was generated by a crash detenction event