Version 5.4 Error. Traccar not starting.

ilevans2 years ago

I have just installed V5.4 onto a WIN7 computer and the log file is showing the following.

2022-10-18 06:12:10  INFO: Operating system name: Windows 7 version: 6.1 architecture: amd64
2022-10-18 06:12:10  INFO: Java runtime name: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM vendor: Eclipse Adoptium version: 17.0.4+8
2022-10-18 06:12:10  INFO: Memory limit heap: 3062mb non-heap: 0mb
2022-10-18 06:12:10  INFO: Character encoding: Cp1252 charset: windows-1252
2022-10-18 06:12:10  INFO: Version: 5.4
2022-10-18 06:12:10  INFO: Starting server...
2022-10-18 06:12:10  INFO: HikariPool-1 - Starting...
2022-10-18 06:12:12 ERROR: HikariPool-1 - Exception during pool initialization. 
    - unable to find valid certification path to requested target 
    - SunCertPathBuilderException (...  DatabaseModule:79  gener:-1  *:-1  ...  Main:126  ...)
2022-10-18 06:12:12 ERROR: Main method error - unable to find valid certification path to requested target 
    - SunCertPathBuilderException (...  DatabaseModule:79  gener:-1  *:-1  ...  Main:126  ...)
2022-10-18 06:12:12  WARN: JNA: Callback org.traccar.WindowsService$ServiceMain@9573584 threw the following exception 
    - unable to find valid certification path to requested target 
    - SunCertPathBuilderException (...  DatabaseModule:79  gener:-1  *:-1  ...  Main:126  ...)

When navigating to the website the spinner just spins continuously.


Anton Tananaev2 years ago
ilevans2 years ago

Hi Anton,
Thank you for the quick reply. I hadn't located that article

I searched with different keywords, so didn't bring up that one during my searches.

Cheers, Ian