Websocket does not send events for new devices

jvdsa year ago


I've made a connection with the websocket API to receive position and event updates and it works great. The user that is authenticated when making the connection can see all devices in a certain group.
However, when a brand new device gets added to that group (sending the required POST request), that event + following position updates don't get send through the websocket for some reason. After a while (15+ minutes), new events of that device do get received. Does anybody know the reason for this?

When looking at the web version of Traccar, the new device is shown after a refresh, after adding it. So I don't know why the websocket does not receive events for those new devices for a certain time.

Kind regards

Anton Tananaeva year ago

What version are you using?

jvdsa year ago

Hi Anton, thanks for the fast reply!
I'm running version 5.2.

Anton Tananaeva year ago

You should upgrade to the latest version first and see if it fixes it. You're actually using one of the unstable versions that has many known issues that are already fixed in the newer versions.

jvdsa year ago

Ok, thank you. I will see if it works on the newest version and report back :)

jvdsa year ago

Thanks, upgrading worked. I do have another problem, but I posted that in a new separate topic.