Can't add device

Trackera year ago

I am trying to add a new device but I am getting this error.
Yesterday everything was working normally, but after deleting a user this error occurred.

Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`tracker_x`.`tc_user_device`, CONSTRAINT `fk_user_device_userid` FOREIGN KEY (`userid`) REFERENCES `tc_users` (`id`)) - SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException (... < QueryBuilder:461 < DatabaseStorage:77 < DataManager:258 < ...)
Anton Tananaeva year ago

The error seems to indicate that you're trying to add a device to a deleted user, which would obviously fail.

Trackera year ago

I am trying to add inside an admin user, I think it should work normally. I cannot find where it is specified for which user I am creating the device.

Anton Tananaeva year ago

What kind of admin user? Service account?

Trackera year ago

YES, an admin type account

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Please carefully read my question. You have not answered it.

Trackera year ago

I created a user, which I gave admin privileges to. Within that user I add new devices, but from today that error appears.

Anton Tananaeva year ago

OK, so it's a admin, but not a service account admin. Then I don't know how you got to this situation.