Edit language Modern Platfrom

M Kareema year ago

Good morning everyone.

Can you please help me how I can compile the Web subfolder that contains the |n10 folder after editing the language file?

For the Modern folder, I am compiling using Yarn and then deleting the modern folder and replacing it with the new build folder and everything goes very well.

But how can I do that for the Web folder?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Are you asking about the modern app or the legacy app? Because the web subfolder is for the legacy app.

M Kareema year ago

Hello Anton,

So if the web subfolder is for the legacy app, how can I edit the language in the Modern App? which folder contains the languages in the Modern App?

M Kareem

Anton Tananaeva year ago
M Kareema year ago

Great and how can I remove the supported language and remain only English? As I understood that I have to edit the load.js file, but I couldn't find that file in the Modern App, only found it in the web subfolder which belongs to the legacy App.

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Modern app doesn't have any load.js. That's again from the legacy app. I would recommend checking where the localization files are used in the code and that should give you an idea on what and where to remove.

M Kareema year ago

Thank you so much for your help, you are the best.