Required email for new users

Currently traccar allows you to register a word that is not valid as an e-mail for user login in admin dashboard, but signup form is this not possible need to be a valid e-mail address.

Is there a plan to make the email field the default user login for new users? Is this the future?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Email is the default login. I don't really understand the question.

Need to validate email field at add user screen. Current version is not validating the field.

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Why do we need to validate it? It is by design that admin can add anything as a login.

Richard Acostaa year ago

admin can add anything as a login, but you can only login with an email address even if it's a fake one.
The "user login" is not enabled, only "email login"

@Richard Acosta you are right! add anything as a login and can only login with an email make no sense to me.

Anton Tananaeva year ago

You can log in with whatever you used as an email. It doesn't have to be a valid email.