chager aspet page connexion

Delannoya year ago

I come back to the forum because I had already installed version and traced it with a version where it was possible to change the asspec of the login page from the "web" folder. I just downloaded the latest version and cannot change the look of the login page, can you help me?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

What is aspet and asspec?

Delannoya year ago

Hello Anton, thanks for the answer. my question is, how to change the logos on the login page? before, you had to go to the "web" folder. Changing the logo in the / modern part does not change anything even restarting the service and where the "pc". I tried on the /legacy folder and no change either even by emptying the cache of my computer

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Make sure you clear the browser cache after any changes.

Delannoya year ago

Hello, sorry for the delay in response and thank you for your feedback. I have repeatedly cleared the cache and nothing works. I changed the images several times with scaling 192 / 512, reinstalled everything and it's still the same :-( any idea?

Anton Tananaeva year ago
  1. What file did you change exactly?
  2. Have you compiles to code after?
Delannoya year ago

hello, you have to recompile after changing the image in the "modern" folder?.
I "just" changed logo512 and logo192 without making any other changes

Anton Tananaeva year ago

OK, that's not how you do it. Those logos are not used on the login screen, if that's what you're trying to change.

You have to download the source code, change the SVG logo image and compile the app.

Delannoya year ago

ha, ok sorry for the question but, where is the source code?

Delannoya year ago

I didn't say anything ;-) I found sorry and thank you very much for your answers

simplementesea year ago

Hello ,
Can't add a feature or modify the Login Logo more simply?
Changing an image or with url without compiling, as it was before?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

I think the process is pretty simple as is. You just need to run a couple of commands.

simplementesea year ago

can be .
but the ones we use and manage in windows are complicated