Text still to translate

Christopher8 years ago

Hi Anton,

I found text that isn't on the translate list yet.

If you hold your arrow above the 'Devices and State' arrow when it is closed the text 'Expand panel' appears.
Can you make that translatable too?




jomart8 years ago

Здравствуйте Антон,
Удалил старую базу данных mysql, удалил mysql-server и traccar-server, пытаюсь, заново установить traccar выдает при установке : Uncompressing traccar
Not enough space left in /tmp (1024 KB) to decompress ./traccar.run (19388 KB)
Consider setting TMPDIR to a directory with more free space.

Связано ли это со слабым сервером vps? На готове стоит железный сервер.
Мучится ли с vps ом, или на железку ставить по новой, и не повторится ли история?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

@Christopher, can I see a screenshot?

@jomart, ваш вопрос совершенно не относится к теме.

Christopher8 years ago

Certainly you can. Thanks again for all the work you have done!

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

I see. That's a text from ExtJS library, not from Traccar itself. What language are you using?

Christopher8 years ago

It doesn't really matter, but in the further quite perfect system little things like that look annoying. ;-)

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Unfortunately I can't really do anything about it. We need to get Sencha (company behind ExtJS) to fix it. What other little things have you noticed?

Christopher8 years ago

Nothing yet! That's why I dare to call it quite perfect. ;-).

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

About this particular issue. You can try to create a thread on their forum:


I guess somewhere in Ext 6 forums.

It's unlikely that they would fix it very quickly. There is also a desire to move to some other web UI framework because of some licensing issues, so I'm not sure if it's worth trying to get them to fix it at this point.

Christopher8 years ago

Thanks. I do have one other question. Where can I change the parameter names?
I really don't find things like 'Mcc, Mnc, Lac, Cid, Adc1... etc' very clear.

I checked the translation files on Transifex and edited them so it's 100% for Dutch

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Those attributes come directly from decoders at the moment. Only limited number of parameters have proper translatable names. I know about this issue and it will be fixed at some point.