Token Expiration Date not Taking

Mega Box Brasila year ago

That's what I wonder. In the result of the API I deduce that it is the "date". In the call, I deduce that it is "expiration=2024-01-01T00:00:00Z" (I saw it in previous topics here on the forum)

If I misunderstood it is not clear to me and there is no such thing documented

By the way, I understand that there is nothing about the token in the documentation yet, as it has recently changed

But how can I know how to put the expiration date on the token? and how to see later?

Or can I do the same with Cookie? (change cookie expiration date)

Anton Tananaeva year ago

You can check the official app and compare with what you're sending.

Mega Box Brasila year ago

I checked how the official app sends and I sent the same

But the official app does not return the token expiration date

Where can I get this information?
Can I change the details of a token later? and revoke?