How to add a new attribute to Event Forward

Carlos Colquea year ago

HI all.
I have updated the version of traccar to 5.7, before I had an adaptation for event forward for to see the user's data in json, but I have seen that the file it very diferent in this version, anybody know how to add or what the name file where could add that attribute?.
I would like this:


thank you for your help.

Anton Tananaeva year ago

The format is the same. Just no user info.

Carlos Colquea year ago

correct, the previous version did not have the user. that was an adaptation. what I need to know is the file that the json creates

Carlos Colquea year ago

sorry, I have reviewed the old version and it not my adaptation, how could I add the user in the events forwarded? thanks.

Anton Tananaeva year ago

There's no easy answer. We removed it precisely because it was hard to implement.