Does traccar support AWS Location Sevice for geocoding?

exaucaea year ago

Does traccar support AWS Location Sevice for geocoding?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

I don't think so, but from what I can tell, they don't do reverse geocoding themselves. They use third party providers, some of which we support, like HERE.

exaucaea year ago

Interesting. Will look into HERE.

Lastly, I'd like one confirmation. After revese geocoding is enabled, what happens exactly? The reverse geocoded device location is directly returned by Traccar API? In the address field when we get positions endpoint?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

It all depends on your configuration.

exaucaea year ago

Is there one that allows the aforementioned behavior? that's what I aim for. For now, I went with google as geocoding provider. It was configured as suggested by Traccar documentation.

Anton Tananaeva year ago

You have to set geocoder.ignorePositions to false if you want to get address automatically in positions.

exaucaea year ago

I'll do that, hoping that works for API calls too. Thanks.

exaucaea year ago

Is there any scenario that could cause GET api/positions to return { "address": null } after setting geocoder.ignorePositions to false?

My first guess is that the geocoding has probably failed. Oddly enough, the Web UI displays the device address.
Another idea, I have is that perhaps those are old positions. Consequently any new position would directly be returned with the address.

Track-trace2a year ago

You should at least make the device report the GPS location, so that geocoding can actually work.