No notifications with 5.7

Henrick Langnera year ago

unfortunately same result

Henrick Langnera year ago

Do you think uninstall an reinstall traccar 5.7 will solve the problem? It will be lot of work, but maybe it's a solution...?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

I don't think reinstalling would solve the problem. Are you using any custom templates?

Richard Acostaa year ago

Reinstalling the same version will not solve the problem.

I've been strugling with this since the fist 5.x version appeared, all my notifications started to fail, users keep complaining and I'm stuck in 4.x version to avoid further problems.

The answers I get are always the same kind, to look at something else, because i'm a fool, or i'm doing something else wrong, or i'm just r#tarded and can't guess something or maybe because my telepathy doesn't work...
Never to look for fomething that could actually be causing issues with the notifications.
Clearly i'm not the only one with this issues, there's a lot of questions about issues with notifications, not only on this forum, because here is really hard to get real answers to real problems. Everything you can get here, is ussually only what already is on documentation, otherwise you will only get answers on other places.

But things were not always the same.
Is this way only since OpenGTS stopped being a real contestant and some other options appeared that took a lot of good people away from Traccar.
I think is time to start thinking about developing our own platforms, each, and stop wasting time on not getting answers.

Henrick Langnera year ago

Hi Anton, I'm sorry, it was my fault - there was an error with my custom notification templates. I solved the error.
Thanks for your support!

leogeolgrva year ago

greetings I have the same problem help me indicating where the error is please

Henrick Langnera year ago

I had a dump mistake in my template... "$timezonee" instead of "$timezone"... Don't know how it happened, maybe by copy&paste...

Richard Acostaa year ago

I wonder what any of the report templates has anything to do with notifications not reaching destination...