Consult Total Km and delete positions

simplementesea year ago

Hi, I have a simple technical query, but I don't understand why.
From time to time we clean the base and empty the position table.
When we do this, in some vehicles it keeps the Total KM, and in another it sets them to 0. Why? Since we would like it to always be maintained... this has already happened since many versions ago.

Thank you so much!

Anton Tananaeva year ago

If you remove the last known position, the distance values will start from zero.

simplementesea year ago

Thanks for the reply.

what I do is empty the entire table with truncate .-
But for many vehicles it keeps the total km

Anton Tananaeva year ago

It probably means those are actively connected, so the in-memory cached position is used.

simplementesea year ago

It must be the cause for sure, thank you very much!