Traccar database ram usage

Segads9 months ago

Hello, we currently have 10 devices reporting very 10s but the mysql ram usage is 4.1gb on a 6gb server, should I need to apply the database optimization as show here

Any advice will be appreciated!

Anton Tananaev9 months ago

Why RAM usage by the database is a problem?

Segads9 months ago

I'm worried that could be a problem in the future of the ram usage keeps growing, just been proactive and trying to prevent any posible failure.

Thanks for the response Anton, at what Point ram will be something to worry about?

Anton Tananaev9 months ago

Well, database uses RAM for caching, so just looking at the consumption doesn't give any useful information.

Richard Acosta9 months ago

I've been using Traccar on servers with as low as 1Gb RAM, with MySQL using 400~600MB tops, your memory usage has serious issues.

Segads9 months ago

yea, but if the database uses ram as cache, like Anton said, it uses up to 70 percent of the total ram avalible, thats the reason, i think, any imput wil be apreaciated

Segads9 months ago

yea the ram usage increased by 1gb in 1 month, this is normal, or is based on the mysql cache normal parameters??