Total Distance is Extermly High after operations

MDSD8 months ago


I've come across an issue where the total distance increased by over 30,000 KM in a single day, which is implausible for our vehicles. Additionally, it seems that the vehicle is consistently moving to 0,0 latitude and longitude every day.


What could be the potential cause of this issue?

Anton Tananaev8 months ago

Sounds like device issue to me. Is there a reason you're asking in the server forum?

Oluwatobi7 months ago

It seems your device is sending invalid cooridnate of 0.0
Include filter invalid coordinate out in your traccar.cnf file. That seems to be the reason why you are having that much distance in a day.

For every-time your GPS jumps to a zero coordinate and back to real coordinate, it calculates the distance... imagine that happens 20 times a day