does not stay logged in

Deborah4 months ago


I'm using Traccar 5.10 and it's been a few months that the web page doesn't stay logged in.
This happens with multiple computers and different browsers.
I have tried deleting cookies without success.

Does anyone have any other ideas?


Tony Shelver4 months ago

I had the same issue since V5.9. Did a fix on another issues I had on 5.9 which sort of seemed to work.

For now I am using <entry key='web.persistSession'>true</entry> to get around the issue in 5.10.

If you examine tracker-server.log, you will notice

Have you noticed any 'race' conditions where Traccar maxes out all CPUs, or dropped vehicle positions? I load Traccar via OSMAnd, and log whenever a position entry fails. Usually timeout or the system can't start an HTTP session.

Be interested in what you find out.

Deborah4 months ago

I tried updating with that conf, now it seems to hold the login but it's early to talk!

I have no errors in the logs though. Can you out of curiosity get me the exact wording?

Thanks again

Cristian4 months ago

nicola I am trying to understand your problem, what you are saying is that you log in and lose connection and have to log in again?
Are there Traccar restarts recorded in the log file?

Tony Shelver4 months ago

Cristian, yes there are Traccar restarts recorded in the log
No errors recorded Hikari server restarts:

2023-12-22 06:22:29  INFO: Operating system name: Linux version: 5.4.0-131-generic architecture: amd64
2023-12-22 06:22:29  INFO: Java runtime name: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM vendor: Eclipse Adoptium version: 17.0.6+10
2023-12-22 06:22:29  INFO: Memory limit heap: 7984mb non-heap: 0mb
2023-12-22 06:22:29  INFO: Character encoding: UTF-8 charset: UTF-8
2023-12-22 06:22:29  INFO: Version: 5.10
2023-12-22 06:22:29  INFO: Starting server...
2023-12-22 06:22:29  INFO: HikariPool-1 - Starting...
2023-12-22 06:22:30  INFO: HikariPool-1 - Added connection org.postgresql.jdbc.PgConnection@3b8ee898
2023-12-22 06:22:30  INFO: HikariPool-1 - Start completed.
2023-12-22 06:22:30  INFO: Set default schema name to public
2023-12-22 06:22:30  INFO: Clearing database change log checksums
2023-12-22 06:22:31  INFO: Successfully acquired change log lock
2023-12-22 06:22:31  INFO: Successfully released change log lock
2023-12-22 06:22:34  INFO: Reading from public.databasechangelog
2023-12-22 06:22:34  INFO: Reading from public.databasechangelog
2023-12-22 06:22:34  INFO: Reading from public.databasechangelog
2023-12-22 06:22:34  INFO: UPDATE SUMMARY
2023-12-22 06:22:34  INFO: Run:                          0
2023-12-22 06:22:34  INFO: Previously run:              45
2023-12-22 06:22:34  INFO: Filtered out:                 0
2023-12-22 06:22:34  INFO: -------------------------------
2023-12-22 06:22:34  INFO: Total change sets:           45

2023-12-22 06:22:34  INFO: Update summary generated
2023-12-22 06:22:34  INFO: Successfully released change log lock
2023-12-22 06:22:34  INFO: Command execution complete
2023-12-22 06:22:36  INFO: jetty-11.0.18; built: 2023-10-27T02:14:36.036Z; git: 5a9a771a9fbcb9d36993630850f612581b78c13f; jvm 17.0.6+10
2023-12-22 06:22:36  INFO: Started o.t.w.@6db88b3a{/,null,AVAILABLE}
2023-12-22 06:22:36  INFO: Session workerName=node0
2023-12-22 06:22:37  WARN: JAXBContext implementation could not be found. WADL feature is disabled.
2023-12-22 06:22:37  INFO: Started o.e.j.s.ServletContextHandler@7c82973c{/,null,AVAILABLE}
2023-12-22 06:22:37  INFO: Started ServerConnector@60bb7617{HTTP/1.1, (http/1.1)}{}
2023-12-22 06:22:37  INFO: Started Server@2efa218a{STARTING}[11.0.18,sto=0] @9432ms
2023-12-22 06:22:38  INFO: Health check enabled with period 480000
Cristian4 months ago

when traccar restarts by itself, your user session expires and you need to log in again.
I think you should see the reason why traccar is restarting if it is indeed what you mention about Hikari, see if it happens more than once.

Tony Shelver4 months ago

Just remembered this one: Check your systemd traccar.service file. In my case, it seems a fresh traccar install (5.9 and 5.10) set the watchdog time out to 600. You can try disabling this to prevent regular traccar restarts