Marker Icon isn't loading

BornConfused3 months ago


Im using the last version of Traccar server, without any configuration (just to test the application) in a offline machine that will just simulate some locals. However, I'm having trouble loading the markers. I said it before in another thread but the error continues and I have no idea how to resolve it. I tried something about the Service Worker, applied to the Web version of Traccar, but I didn't have good results either. Please, do you know of anything that can be done?

Note: I am using the latest version of Traccar Server on a Windows machine along with the latest version of the modern web application. It is displaying like this:

Thank you very much.

Anton Tananaev3 months ago

Why are you creating a new topic if you already have one?

Joystick3 months ago

If your icons are missing on the map when not connected to internet it can be because it cannot download pages from the traccar-cdn.
Clone the traccar-cdn and serve it local.
You would need to change below line in useMapStyles.js to point to where you saved the folder. (This is for the modern app)

glyphs: '{fontstack}/{range}.pbf',

Not that one would use traccar without internet, but at least this will give you an idea where to look for the problem.