transmitted wrong positions ?

jmdiazlr8 years ago

I have been testing for some days ok, but today I make a trip and my position was transmitted ok for about 15 minutes, after that all positions are the same for about 12 minutes but i was driving all the time. After that 12 minutes period there is new position (1 minute later, and is a good position), a then (one minutes later) follows one more wrong position equal to then position reported on the 12 minutes period, then all continues working good. (The trace shows a return to the point reported for 12 minutes, this was not done, I was in a highway).

What could be the reason for this behavior ? traccar-client sending all buffered positions with the last position ? o traccar-server miss behavior ?

I am not sure if I had or didn't have phone signal on the 12 minutes period.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

What location provider are you using?

jmdiazlr8 years ago

I am using mixed provider with m phone gps turned off, that is the cause, the phone reports the last position while it can not detect a new wifi, I changed the provider to all is working ok.

I am only curios about the wrong position registered after the phone acquired a new good position leading to a non existing return in the trace.
